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  1. Ideal Nick

  2. Gemini

  3. 3 fears

    1. snakes

    2. lizards

    3. idk

  4. 3 things i love

    1. Music

    2. Racing

    3. Soccer

  5. 4 turn ons

    1. upbeat persona 

    2. no fear

    3. self confident

    4. similar interets

  6. 4 turn offs

    1. indecisive

    2. not self confident

    3. fearful

    4. unaware

  7. Nate

  8. Straight

  9. dinner

  10. 5’8

  11. England

  12. 2am

  13. black

  14. yes

  15. Go Fast, Don’t Die

  16. On stage or in a car

  17. pasta

  18. occasionally

  19. Peaky Blinders

  20. How they carry themselves

  1. 9.5

  2. brown

  3. brown

  4. classy

  5. yes

  6. blue

  7. its my assigned name

  8. legend

  9. Try me 

  10. Blink 182

  11. happy

  12. my family

  13. single 

  14. unbreakable

  15. summer

  16. racetrack, england logo, quote

  17. i didn’t

  18. Winston Churchill quotes

  19. Yes

  20. No

  21. this weekend

  22. 5 minutes

  23. no 

  24. my house

  25. nate and michael

  26. loud, pretty much deaf

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